Symptom Checker Available on Epic's App Orchard

by Erik Altman on 2019-09-05

Our latest Symptom Checker Web App is designed to be integrated with any SMART on FHIR EHR environment and now this support can be purchased in Epic's App Orchard marketplace. This is a huge accomplishment for us. Our customers have wanted our symptom checker to integrate with their EHR environments for years and now they can because our team, the App Orchard team and the SMART on FHIR community made it possible.

The biggest challenge with this project was scoping it down and getting the stakeholders to focus on essential MVP requirements for the project. The world of possible features can seem so large to people that are not familiar with the APIs and frameworks that are available. I had to investigate every avenue before I could confidently scope or rule out possible requirements.

What I enjoyed the most about this project was traveling to Epic for the App Orchard Developer Conference and training. The campus was fascinating to visit, every aspect of the environment has a unique fantasy theme. It was a pleasure to meet my contacts in the App Orchard program, they have been great to work with.

I look forward to working with each of our customers to integrate their applications. Both our team and the App Orchard team have made it super easy to securely integrate our symptom checker for their patients. The app can be embedded in your patient portal, our accessed as a standalone application that allows patients to sign in with their patient portal credentials. You've got to love Oauth, OpenID Connect, SMART on FHIR and other standards that make this turnkey for so many healthcare consumers.